B2B Sales Department

We are looking for distributors abroad. You would like to receive our catalogue as well as a professional price list?
Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you quickly. You can also contact Célia Nicolosi directly via phone: +33 4 92 34 48 94 or email: celia@nicolosi-creations.com.

Our products are now available in more than ten countries.
The authenticity of Provence combined with quality products, as well as efficient delivery times, allow us to build trusted partnerships with our distributors all over the globe.

Do you have a boutique or chain of stores and want to represent our brands?
Complete this form to receive our professional catalog, as well as our pricing proposals.

Our products are also available on the FAIRE Platform for direct order from €300, without shipping costs
(only reserved for professionals, only in France and Europe):